

This system uses Django’s built-in user management for storing and managing user accounts.

However, it also supports using a third-party identity provider to improve the user experience and make it the default option.

Third-Party Identity Provider

To register a third-party identity provider, you will need to use the superuser account created during the installation process.


After logging in with a third-party account, you can use your superuser account to grant that user administrator permissions.


  • Register a new OAuth app on GitHub’s Developer Settings page.

  • For local development, set the homepage URL to http://localhost:8000 and the authorization callback URL to http://localhost:8000/accounts/github/login/callback.

  • Keep the Client ID and generate a Client Secret to enable access.

  • Go to the Django Socialapp model page using a superuser account and add a GitHub Provider with the newly generated Client ID and Client Secret as the Secret Key.

  • Log out of the administration and try logging in using the GitHub button on the accounts/login page.